The Douglas County Historical Society (DCHS) is a registered 501c3, non profit organization (#93-0495047) that receives no government funding. DCHS was formed in 1953 to protect and preserve historical records, artifacts and buildings in Douglas County, Oregon that were important in building our county and in the lives of the people who lived here.
The heritage of Douglas County belongs to us all as well as future generations. The only way to ensure that future generations receive this rich in hesitance is by preserving it now. If you believe that we we should respect and preserve the past, learn from it, build on it and make it part of our present and future, then you should become a member.
Membership is from January 1st to December 31st
Member-ship Includes:
Support DCHS programs and projects.
Notice of meetings and other events.
Free entry to the Historic Floed-Lane House for member and their guests.
Subscription to The Umpqua Trapper – a quarterly publication devoted to the history of Douglas County and the Umpqua Region.

$51 - Basic Membership
$100 - DCHS Friend
Mail Your check to:
Douglas County Historical Society
Attn: Membership
P.O. Box 2534
Roseburg, Or. 97470
Donations beyond regular dues are tax-deductible. Your tax-deductible contribution helps preserve our heritage for our children and will give inspiration to succeeding generations. Thank you for making the programs of DCHS possible.